10 Things You’re Doing Wrong / Life Hacks You Need to Know!! | JENerationDIY
If you love life hacks, what does she ask you to do?
Se você ama life hacks, o que ela pede que você faça?
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The first life hack is good, if you don’t have what?
O primeiro life hack é bom, se você não tem o quê?
AA batteries
A mouse
Tin foil
AAA batteries
The second life hack is for people that love what?
O segundo life hack é para pessoas que amam o quê?
Opening wrappers
To eat
In the fourth life hack, what can you use to clean the rubber part of your shoes?
No quarto life hack, o que você pode usar para limpar a parte de borracha do calçado?
Nail polish remover
A sock
Paper towel
In the fifth life hack, what word do you need to type in the search bar?
No quinto life hack, qual palavra você precisa digitar na barra de pesquisa?
You email
If you eat something very spicy, what should you do to lessen the pain?
Se você comer algo muito picante, o que você deve fazer para diminuir a dor?
Eating something spicy
Eat a mint
Drink water
Eating something sugary
How can you add extra filters in Snapchat?
Como você pode adicionar filtros extras no Snapchat?
Double tap the screen
Search in option and clock “add filter”
Hold the screen with one finger and swipe with the other
Double tap the screen
What is “hat hair”?
O que é “cabelo de chapéu”?
Wearing a hat when you have long hair
The hair that is outside of the hat
A special kind of hat
The way your hair looks after wearing a hat
After dipping a dried-out marker in rubbing alcohol, how long should you leave it with its cap on?
Depois de mergulhar um marcador seco em álcool isopropílico, por quanto tempo você deve deixá-lo com a tampa colocada?
A few seconds
A few hours
A few minutes
A few days
What does a rubber band do that helps you open nail polish?
O que um elástico faz para ajudar a abrir o esmalte?
It pushes the cap in
It pushes the cap out
It loosens the cap
It gives you a better grip on the cap
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