The Daily Dropout
The Daily Dropout
How did Kate react?
Como Kate reagiu?
She refused to accept
She called the cops
She was overjoyed
She started crying
How did the second girl in the furry coat react?
Como reagiu a segunda garota de casaco peludo?
She handed it back
She said she wasn´t expecting it
She seemed weirded out
She said it’s the best day ever
What happened to the guy in the black hoodie?
O que aconteceu com o cara de capuz preto?
His dog died
His car was stolen
He broke up with his girlfriend
He lost him mom
After getting the headphones, what did the guy with blonde curly hair ask to do?
Depois de pegar os fones de ouvido, o que o cara de cabelo loiro encaracolado pediu para fazer?
Get his phone number
Give him a hug
Shake his hand
Take a selfie with him
What answer did he give to the guy with the man bun when he asked why?
Que resposta ele deu ao cara com o coque masculino quando ele perguntou o por quê?
Because he is doing random acts of kindness
Because he is doing a science experiment
Because he had extra ones
Because he looked like he could use headphones
What did the girl in the red jacket ask?
O que a garota de jaqueta vermelha perguntou?
“What is going on?”
None of the options
“Why though?”
“Are you actually?”
Why did he give headphones to the guy in the bike lot?
Por que ele deu fones de ouvido para o cara no estacionamento de bicicletas?
Because he looked sad
Because he looked like a cool guy
Because he liked his jacket
Because he looked like a nice guy
What did the girl sitting on the bike say?
O que a garota sentada na bicicleta disse?
She doesn´t listen to music
She already has headphones
None of the options
She needed headphones
She then said she was in the right place ________________.
Ela então disse que estava no lugar certo ________________.
At the wrong time
At the right time
On the right day
On the wrong day
How did most of the people respond?
Como a maioria das pessoas respondeu?
They were shocked
They were indifferent
They got embarrassed
They became upset
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