Jason Brown
Jason Brown
How to Pick Your First Stock to Buy?
Jason Browns is what kind of coach?
Jason Browns é que tipo de treinador?
Financial coach
Business coach
Life coach
Stock and options coach
What do you need to consider for the “look around” way of buying a stock?
O que você precisa considerar para a maneira “olhe ao redor” de comprar uma ação?
The company’s success
A company with a great logo
What products or services you use
What companies do you see in your neighborhood
Which one is NOT one of the 3 the fundamentals Jason looks at when picking a stock?
Qual NÃO é um dos 3 fundamentos que Jason analisa ao escolher uma ação?
Stock value
What does he compare the “look at technicals” way to?
Com o que ele compara a maneira “olhe para os indicadores”?
Using a radar
A storm
Predicting the weather
A map
True or false: Jason Browns says you should invest in a company with good indicators even if you don’t like what they do?
Verdadeiro ou falso: Jason Browns diz que você deve investir em uma empresa com bons indicadores mesmo que você não goste do que ela faz?
If you’re age 65 or older you might NOT want to invest in what kind of stocks?
Se você tem 65 anos ou mais, você talvez NÃO queira investir em que tipo de ações?
Mutual funds
Tech stocks
Less risky stocks
If you are 21 and just getting started, you might want to be more aggressive and invest in?
Se você tem 21 anos e está apenas começando, talvez queira ser mais agressivo e investir?
Speculative stocks
Savings accounts
Mutual funds
What does he like about the technicals of apple stock?
O que ele gosta em relação aos indicadores das ações da Apple?
It recently pulled back from it’s all time high
He uses a lot of apple products
It has good sales
It’s at it’s all time high
How is Apple trying to be more socially responsible?
Como a Apple está tentando ser mais socialmente responsável?
They donate old iPhones to the poor
They are giving away free chargers
they help natural disaster victims
They are trying to lower their carbon footprint
Which book does Lawrence Davis recommend to read?
Qual livro Lawrence Davis recomenda ler?
Bollinger bands
You never go broke taking a profit
The four agreements
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