NBC News
NBC News
Inside The New Wave Of Black Superheroes | NBC News NOW
In the first line of the video, he says the shield feels like it ______ ___ someone else.
Na primeira linha do vídeo, ele diz que o escudo parece ____ ___ outra pessoa.
Longs for
Goes to
Belongs to
Flies towards
We look to heroes for an escape from reality, but modern Black superheroes are…
Procuramos nos heróis uma fuga da realidade, mas os super-heróis negros modernos são…
Leaning into it
Heading into it
Feeding into it
Leading into it
What service streamed The Falcon and the Winter Soldier?
Qual serviço transmitiu O Falcão e o Soldado Invernal?
Disney Plus
In addition to fighting bad guys, they also fight ___________.
Além de lutar contra bandidos, eles também lutam contra ___________.
Criminal justice
Social injustice
Social justice
Social service
Black Panther paved the way for…
Pantera Negra abriu caminho para…
Black superheroes
Other Black actors
A Black Batwoman
Sequels to the franchise
Why did early versions of Black Superheroes fall flat?
Por que as primeiras versões de Black Superheroes fracassaram?
They were boring
No one would read them
None of the options
White writers were writing about Black superheroes
There are more powerful Black people behind the scenes now more than ever but there is…
Há negros mais poderosos nos bastidores agora mais do que nunca, mas há…
Veiled racism
An overcrowding
Room for more
Growing competition
What advantage do Black writers have over White writers?
Que vantagem os escritores negros têm sobre os escritores brancos?
None of the options
They are all equal
They can pull from experience
They are at a disadvantage
What makes good financial sense?
O que faz sentido financeiro?
Using big names, regardless of race
Using only White writers and actors
Paying for big names who are White
Making diverse audiences feel seen
Why can anyone, even a farmer in China, identify with Sam as Captain America?
Por que alguém, mesmo um fazendeiro na China, pode se identificar com Sam como Capitão América?
Because he represents all races
Because he represents freedom
Because he embodies struggle
None of the options
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