What Would You Do?
What Would You Do?
Waitress berates Latino couple for speaking Spanish | What Would You Do? | WWYD
Why was the Albertsons grocery chain sued?
Por que a cadeia de supermercados Albertsons foi processada?
For implementing a Spanish Only Policy
For implementing a No Spanish Policy
For selling expired food
For banning Latinos
Where is the location of the prank?
Onde é a localização da pegadinha?
A department store
A diner
A fast food restaurant
An upscale restaurant
What happens when the waitress first asks them to order in English?
O que acontece quando a garçonete pergunta pela primeira vez em inglês o pedido deles?
They are forced to leave
A man interferes
People threaten to call the cops
They order in broken English
In addition to translating, what else does the man do?
Além de traduzir, o que mais o homem faz?
Demands for the waitress to be fired
Pays for their meal
Humiliates the waitress
Asks the couple to pay for his meal
How does the man in the orange shirt react to the waitress demanding the couple to speak English?
Como o homem de camisa laranja reage à garçonete exigindo que o casal fale inglês?
He gives a thumbs up
He starts yelling
He storms out
He shakes his head
At one point, the waitress refers to the couple as illegal _______.
A certa altura, a garçonete se refere ao casal como _______ ilegal.
None of the options
What does the blond woman in the gray and white shirt offer as a suggestion?
O que a loira de camisa cinza e branca oferece como sugestão?
None of the options
Hire Hispanic staff
Hire a person to translate
Use technology
The man using technology to help translate says, “If you´re not gonna help each other, ______________.”
O homem que usa a tecnologia para ajudar a traduzir diz: “Se vocês não vão ajudar uns aos outros, ______________.”
Stay away
Stay home
Go home
Get lost
The young woman says, “Just because they don´t speak English, ______________.”
A jovem diz: “Só porque eles não falam inglês, ______________.”
Doesn´t mean they don´t deserve respect
Doesn´t mean they are dumb
Doesn´t mean they are less than us
Doesn´t mean they came here illegally
After she realizes she was being filmed, her message to everyone was to:
Depois que ela percebe que estava sendo filmada, sua mensagem para todos foi:
Turn the other cheek
Open up your mind
Think backwards
None of the options
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