Marko – WhiteBoard Finance
Marko – WhiteBoard Finance
Why Dave Ramsey’s 7 Baby Steps Work
Why should you save $1000 in an emergency fund?
Por que você deveria economizar US$ 1.000 em um fundo de emergência?
Just to give yourself a financial goal to start
To buy necessities
For expenses you didn’t expect to come up
To invest as fast as possible
What is one debt you don’t need to pay off in step two?
Qual é uma dívida que você não precisa pagar na etapa dois?
Pay back friends or family
Pay back bank loan
Car payment
How much money should you save up for step three?
Quanto dinheiro você deveria economizar para o passo três?
3-6 months’ worth of expenses
A month’s worth of expenses
$6000 -$1200
Where should you put your emergency fund?
Onde você deveria colocar seu fundo de emergência?
Into an account that is very liquid
Stock market
Government bonds
Wherever you want
You should invest 15% of what for your retirement fund?
Você deveria investir 15% do que para o seu fundo de aposentadoria?
Emergency fun
Household income
Who is someone he doesn’t suggest saving a college fund for?
Quem é alguém para quem ele não sugere guardar um fundo de faculdade?
Your niece
Your child
Your nephews
Why does he suggest paying off your mortgage, even if you can get a higher return in an investment elsewhere?
Por que ele sugere pagar sua hipoteca, mesmo que você possa obter um retorno maior em um investimento em outro lugar?
You will be able to invest much more when your mortgage is paid off
You’ll save more money over the long term
It’s easier
For peace of mind
Why does he tell you to give money away in the last step?
Por que ele lhe diz para dar dinheiro na última etapa?
You’ll be so rich you won’t need all the money you have
Other people will like you
It empowers you to be a better member to your society
To put less emphasis on money in your life, it’s not that important
Why does he say these seven baby steps work?
Por que ele diz que esses sete passos de bebê funcionam?
They are all easy
They are things you will do anyway
Having a plan is better than not having one
It builds confidence having obtainable goals
What will happen you follow these seven steps?
O que acontecerá se você seguir esses sete passos?
You’ll live a fulfilling and prosperous life
You’ll be financially independent
You’ll become rich
You’ll receive more respect
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